A great Blue Heron morning at Jordan lake

These days, I find myself getting up early to get out to Jordan Lake as the sun rises.
Though it’s mostly quiet in the wee hours, there are sounds of splashing water and the cries of gulls and Eagles searching for a meal.
It’s neat to watch the colors of the waves change as the sun comes up, the swirling blend of shadows and light is quite lovely.
Most of all, it’s just peaceful.
With all the troubles of the world at large (not to mention the impact of this damn virus on my own life ) I’m profoundly grateful get some time in someplace that feeds my soul.
Sometimes it’s good to get away and unplug for a bit, just to enjoy living in the moment.

Often on mornings like this, I’ll get to watch a Great Blue Heron hunting for fish while on the wing. They are a lot of fun to photograph!
Like a B2, they’ll glide low and slow over the water, watching for fish to come to the surface, then throwing their head and neck forward such that they impale prey with their spear-like bill. It happens in an instant and before you even realize what happened, the fish is consumed and the bird moves on to another kill.

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc
Canon 5Ds