An Indigo Bunting encounter at the NCMA

It’s hard not to stop and stare whenever an Indigo Bunting is encountered.
Those bright blue feathers are a real show stopper!
I spotted this male at the North Carolina Museum of Art a couple of weeks ago in Raleigh, NC. He stood out like a sapphire beacon in the green canopy of trees.

These beautiful birds will be here in central N.C. for a few more weeks before they head out for their autumn migration.
And what a journey they’ve got ahead of them!
Navigating by night, guided by the stars, Indigo Buntings will often travel up to 1,200 miles to reach their wintering grounds in south Florida and northern South America.
They’ll stick around N.C. until mid October so there is still time for you to see them.
You can help them fuel up for their long trip by offering Nyjer, Millet and Sunflower seeds in your backyard feeder.
Make sure that you keep your feeders clean and full during this important time and enjoy these gorgeous little birds while you can!

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc on the fabulous full frame SLR, the @canonusa