An Orchard oriole at Harris Lake Park, New Hill North Carolina

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While birding at Harris Lake Park in New Hill N.C. this week, I was pleasantly surprised to catch a glimpse of this stunning male Orchard Oriole perched low in a field near the shoreline of the lake. Usually these handsome birds are found in the low to mid canopies of the trees at this park hiding in the shade. I knew that they would drop down into the open field occasionally to search for insects but I’d never been quick enough to grab a nice photo before they disappeared into that tall grass. The Orchard Oriole is the smallest species of oriole in North America. Although they look somewhat similar to their brightly colored cousin the Baltimore Oriole, Orchard Orioles are more chestnut toned than orange. They one of the earliest-departing species after nesting as their departure for winter migration takes place in late July and August here in central North Carolina. You’ve still got a couple of months left to see them so get out there while you can! Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc Canon 5Ds

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