Eastern Towhee at the J.C. Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, N.C.

The Eastern Towhee is a strikingly colorful New World sparrow which is a year round resident throughout North Carolina.
They’re voracious eaters of seeds, insects, and fruits and are frequently seen scurrying on the ground, in and out from under bushy hedges.
They also may be heard chirping their familiar calls of “Drink your teeea!” through dense shrubs while they search for food.

I photographed this male yesterday at the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, North Carolina as I was preparing for a photoshoot. It was cool to see one up close!
So far, it’s the best photo I’ve got of this handsome species.
Will be on the lookout for more in the future.
🙂 Photo by @sally_siko
Canon 5Ds