Grasshopper Sparrows in North Carolina

If you ever find yourself standing in an open grassy field in central North Carolina, listen closely for weird insect noises that don’t sound quite right and you might get the opportunity to find the source of the strange call, a Grasshopper Sparrow!
These chunky little birds have the oddest song ever. It kinda sounds like a metallic cricket chirp played back with an off pitch autotune vibe lol!

I spotted this lovely little guy last week singing his heart out on a fence post overlooking a field while birding along Mid Pines Rd. in Raleigh, NC. He seemed to have quite a few fans as more Grasshopper Sparrows would flutter up to sit nearby as he belted out his tune.

As their name rightly implies, Grasshopper Sparrows eat grasshoppers in summer, though they will take other prey including beetles, caterpillars, bugs, and spiders.
They eat mostly seeds in winter, which they glean exclusively from the ground.

Although there are a few that stick around during the winter months, Grasshopper Sparrows are spring and summertime residents of the Tarheel State.
They are best found in overgrown pastures and in fields of dense grass.
These little gems will stick around NC until early-mid October so you’ve still got plenty of time to find one this year.

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds