Tag Archives: bird watching jordan lake

Bald eagle Nest monitoring program 2020

I’m excited to report that I’ve teamed up with the ARMY Corps of Engineers to help monitor Bald Eagle nests at Jordan Lake for the 2020 season. 🦅
This is a team effort, a joint project between the public & private (volunteer) sector to collect nesting data for breeding Bald Eagles at Jordan Lake.
My duties will include spending at least 4 hours a month watching nests and taking behavioral notes as the birds raise their families.

Due to the efforts made by the ARMY Corps of Engineers along with Eagle lovers like you and me, Jordan Lake now boats the one of the highest populations of nesting Bald Eagles on the east coast.
Every year brings a new generation of these incredible birds into the world (like the two youngsters featured in these photographs) and I couldn’t be happier.
It’s amazing to see how their nesting pair numbers have grown from zero in the 1980’s to now.
Today, nearly every large body of water here in N.C. has at least an Eagle or two living nearby.
I’ve even started seeing them commonly hunting for fish at smaller ponds and lakes like Yates Mill Pond and Bass Lake Park here in the Triangle.

I’m so excited, can’t wait to get some great photos, learn new things, and contribute to the conservation efforts of protecting these incredible birds.

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc
Canon 5Ds