Tag Archives: ducks waterfowl

Diving Duck vs. Dabbler Duck – wintertime waterfowl in North Carolina

By Sally Siko

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a….
Lol well you know that goes!

But, did you know that the way that a duck feeds varies from species to species?
Some ducks dive down deep to get their food, while others remain on the surface tipping down into the water.
When viewing a raft of ducks at a distance, it is possible to figure out whether the birds in front of you are a dabbler or a diver duck.

Dabbler ducks sit high on the water, feeding on aquatic vegetation and small invertebrates on or near the surface.
Pictured here are a couple dabbling ducks. A Gadwall, American Wigeon, Mallard, Redhead and a Canvasback duck

Diving ducks tend sit much lower in the water.
They accomplish this by squeezing their feathers against their body, expelling air trapped between them.
Shown here are a Bufflehead, Lesser Scaup,Common Goldeneye, and a sweet little Ruddy Duck.
It’s notable the difference in shapes between dabblers and diver ducks with the latter being plump and round 🙂

When watching a mixed flock, it can be entertaining to observe the two different types of feeding behaviors in a close environment.
Stalking from above, a dabbler will wait patiently for the diver to come up with a meal that they can snatch.
Duck fight will ensue lol!

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my mighty mirrorless monster, the @canonusa #R5