Tag Archives: englehard bird watching

yellow-rumped Warbler in Englehard, N.C.

Spotted this female Yellow-rumped Warbler in downtown Engelhard N.C. a few weeks ago.
She was rather friendly and didn’t seem to mind my presence as I snapped off a few shots.

A wintertime resident of North Carolina, Yellow-rumped Warblers are one of the most widespread and well-known species of warblers in North America.
Lots of of us know them by their aptly nick named “butter-butts,” since their bright yellow rumps are an eye-catching ID characteristic, lol!
In addition to sporting yellow color patches on their sides, adults also have a yellow crown patch, most obvious in adult males and somewhat subdued with females and juveniles.

It’s nice to live someplace where we’ve got a species of wintertime Warbler. Now that most of the leaves have fallen, spotting these little gems is a whole lot easier!
What a marvelous little bird.

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatchingnc
Canon 5Ds