Tag Archives: lake betz

Bird watching trip to Lake Betz N.C.

Birding at Lake Betz

A quick bird watching trip video from Raleigh N.C. at Betz Lake. On the lookout for Red headed Woodpeckers, Gadwalls, Wood Ducks and more!

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc
Canon 5Ds

Lake Betz Red-headed Woodpeckers

Made a trip out to Lake Betz this week in search of Red-headed Woodpeckers…
Was not disappointed because I spotted 4 of them within an hours time!
I was happy to see them but do wish I could have got some better photos as these birds were kinda far away from my vantage point.
Still, super glad to add them to my 2020 list.

In the autumn months, these gorgeous Woodpeckers can be found gathering acorns and other nuts, then storing their bounty in the cavities of bored out trees or by stuffing their food into the bark crevasses of tree trunks.

During the winter, these feisty woodpeckers will aggressively defend their caches against intruders (feathered or furry) that might steal their acorns.

When spring arrives, they’ll shift into on-the-fly insect catching for some of their diet and for feeding young. Interestingly, they are even known to raid the nests of other birds to prey on the chicks. (Something I never knew that Woodpeckers did before doing the research!)

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc
Canon 5Ds