Tag Archives: nuthatches

Why do Nuthatches go down a tree headfirst?

Just another white breasted Nuthatch defying gravity on his way down a tree trunk on an early sunny morning, lol!

Right after I took this pic, I asked myself “why do nuthatches walk headfirst down the trunks of trees ?
So I did a little research and found an interesting answer to that question at
Quote below…
“There’s no definitive answer to that,” said Cameron Ghalambor, a professor of biology at Colorado State University who has studied red-breasted nuthatches.
The theory is the birds benefit from their different viewpoint. “You can imagine a creeper or a woodpecker facing the bark of a tree and looking up in the crevices of the bark for food items,” he said. “But there is this unexploited niche that you could access if you were working your way down the tree.”

As a working photographer I get this!
Working through photographic challenges by employing an alternate perspective has often yielded great rewards.
Better still, a complete understanding of the benefits of working within a niche saved my career.
Looks like Nuthatches are my spirit animal, lol!
Photo by @sally_siko