Tag Archives: raven rock park

Yellow-bellied sapsucker at Raven Rock Park, Lillington N.C.

Hiking in the woods at Raven Rock State Park and heard a familiar knocking sound echoing through the trees. I gripped my camera a little tighter and slowed my walk while looking up into the canopy to try and find the source of the noise.
With the wind blowing the leaves around, it’s difficult to spot the movement of birds in between the branches.
Then the knocking noise sounded again and I was able to hone in on its source, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker!
I love these birds 🙂 Although they are a relatively common species of woodpecker here in N.C., I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like. Usually it’s the sound of their pecking on the trees that announces their presence instead of a good look.

But why are they constantly hammering their beaks into the tree trunks?
The clue is actually wrapped up in their name. It’s all for that sweet, sweet sap 🙂
Sapsuckers move up and down trees to drill a series of wells in the trunks to drink the sap that oozes forth. 
Often returning to the same tree on a regular basis, the Yellow -bellied Sapsucker’s elaborate systems of sap wells are maintained daily to ensure sap production.
These feisty woodpeckers will defend their wells from all kinds of sap-stealing animals and birds, including other sapsuckers.
They also may be found happily raiding both hummingbird and suet feeders alike in our own backyards.

Photo by @sally_siko
Canon 5Ds