A Northern Parula Warbler spotted at harris Lake Park, New Hill N.C.

While hiking at Harris Lake Park on Friday morning, I spied a female Northern Parula Warbler holding a fat green caterpillar in her beak.
This species is the smallest of eastern wood-warblers. They have a habit of foraging high in tree canopy which therefore makes it a difficult bird to observe from the ground.
I photographed this little beauty as she was gathering food to feed her nearby fledgling.
The Northern Parula arrives in N.C. early in April. They depart at the end of September. 
Their breeding range extends across the eastern half of the U.S.
In the winter, the Northern Parula can be found from southern Mexico to as far north as the southern tip of Florida.
What a cool little bird to find in the Triangle 🙂
Photo by @sally_siko