An uncommon yet common beauty: A Northern Cardinal at the Prairie Ridge Ecostation

By far, the most common bird I saw during my visit to the Prairie Ridge Ecostation last week were the Northern Cardinals.
It’s funny to me that so many people ignore them. With that vibrant red plumage and contrasting black mask, they’re are simply stunning creatures.

Our official state bird, the Northern Cardinal is a year round resident of North Carolina and are found in every county from the coast to the mountains foraging for a meal in areas of dense brushy undergrowth or in hedges.
Cardinals are of course a familiar backyard visitor too. They usually are seen on the ground below our feeders picking at the fallen seed.

Though they’re indeed numerous, I still enjoy photographing them whenever possible. That color is irresistible to me from a creative perspective.
Plus, whenever I see a Cardinal I’m reminded how important it is not to take a moment (or a bird) like this for granted.
After all, though they may be common around here, they are someone else’s Life Bird in other locations. Thus seeing one is extra special anyway one looks at it 🙂

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc on the fabulous full frame @canonusa