Bald Eagles at jordan Lake Recreation Area

By: Admin Sally Siko

Did you know that Jordan Lake State Recreation Area still boasts one of the highest populations of nesting Bald Eagles on the east coast?
Most of the ones I’ve encountered are found near the Jordan dam which is maintained by the US ARMY Corps of Enjineers, but they can be seen circling the skies almost everywhere above the lake.
Since these birds can be a bit shy, a longer lens will be a big help if you decide to visit with photography in mind.
Also, don’t forget to listen for their calls as they are most easily located by their frequent schreeeeeches in the tall trees along the densely wooded shoreline.

I photographed this juvenile and adult just a few hours after Hurricane Dorian pulled away from the Raleigh N.C. area.
Such a beautiful bird! 🙂