Great Blue Heron encounter at Jordan Dam in Apex, N.C.

Few birds are as majestic on the wing as a Great Blue Heron. These birds are quite a sight in the air as they glide on by.
Great Blue Herons have a large wingspan and can fly up to 30 mph in a glide. During flight, they often seen tucking their necks into an “S” shaped curve like this one seen here.
The water and land space found at Jordan Lake Park are both necessary for these interesting birds. They hunt for fish, amphibians, insects and other small animals in the lake, and build their nests in trees, bushes or on the ground along the shoreline.
To hunt, a heron will either stand completely still and wait patiently for its prey or it will wade into the water to drive its prey out.
Sometimes, they will even dive straight down into the lake from the sky to spear the fish swimming right below the surface of the water.
Photo by @sally_siko