House Finches at the Prairie Ridge Ecostation

Stoked to get a decent photo of these House Finches at the Prairie Ridge Ecostation in Raleigh, N.C. a couple of days ago.
It was neat to hear them tweeting at one another as they watched me watching them 🙂

Native to the deserts and drier areas of the western United States, the House Finch is now commonly found in parks, fields and neighborhoods all the way down here in central N.C.

Though they are sometimes misidentified with the Purple Finch, these colorful little birds with the bright red heads are a cheerful sight in our yards all year round.
Dedicated vegetarians, House Finches will forage on the ground, in shrubs or in the mid canopy of trees, chomping on seeds with a series of quick nibbles before flying off for more.

Photo by Sally Sally Adams Siko
Canon 5Ds

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc
Canon 5Ds