Backyard Chipping sparrow

It’s been a grey rainy day in central N.C.
Not the best weather for getting outdoors to go birding, but fine enough for the Chipping Sparrows to raid my feeders.
This little one made several trips to my yard throughout the morning looking food.
They are a common sight here in the Raleigh area, especially during the winter months when they come out of the woods and into our yards in search of an easy meal.

These delightful little sparrows are found in a wide variety of open woodland habitats in both their winter and breeding ranges.
This is somewhat of an unusual trait as most sparrows which are found mainly in grassy fields.

Chipping Sparrows also have earned a reputation of being somewhat tame, as they’ve moved into the suburbs and city’s, they have become acclimated to the company of their human neighbors.

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc
Canon 5Ds