Tag Archives: january birding nc

TBW a Tufted Titmouse encounter at Jordan Lake

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Is there anything cuter then a young Tufted Titmouse? Nope, lol! Here’s some of my favorite shots from a family of Tufted Titmice that I found earlier this year at the Jordan Lake SRA in New Hill, N.C. They are known to nest in all 100 of North Carolina’s counties with a breeding season that runs March through May. Tufted Titmice prefer to build their nests inside old Woodpecker holes bored into tree trunks. Lining their nest with grass, feathers and other soft materials, they provide a safe and warm home for their nestlings, hidden away inside the tree. The young are able to take their first jumps into the air after just 16 days and will begin the breeding cycle within their first year. These cheerful birds spend the entire year here in NC and may be found in abundance throughout the eastern United States from southern Maine all the way down to Florida. They are closely related to Chickadees and often travel with them foraging for a meal in mixed flocks. Keep an eye out for them in your own neighborhood as they are a familiar sight at most backyard feeders here in the Tarheel State 🙂 Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc on the fabulous full frame SLR, the @canonusa #5Ds

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Photographing Bald Eagles at Jordan lake dam

Recently I made a trip to Jordan Lake dam to check out a large flock of migrating Bald Eagles.
When I arrived I observed around 20 birds roosting in the trees overlooking the Haw River.
I found a spot along the river bank to sit so that I could pictures of the birds as they took turns dropping down to the water to catch fish.

The morning light was fierce and the conditions weren’t great for photos since the sunlight was reflecting brightly off of the water.
Still, it was nice to just be out there enjoying the Eagles as they flew overhead.

Then, a juvenile Eagle flew straight towards me and landed on a branch right above my head. At first he didn’t notice my presence. The moment he saw me was amazing, lol!
He turned his head and squinted, screeched and flew off!
Luckily I managed to snap off a few shots of this encounter before he left.
What a cool bird!

During the wintertime, Jordan Lake boasts one of the highest populations of Bald Eagles in the East coast. The resident birds hang out in the other part of the lake as most of the migrants tend to congregate near the dam.
It’s really neat to see so many Eagles in one spot!

Photos by @sally_siko of @birdwatching_nc
Canon 5Ds

Wintertime birding at Bass Lake Park, Holly Springs N.C.

By: Sally Siko- Admin Birdwatching NC

I really enjoy birding in the wintertime here in central North Carolina. It’s great to get outside and see all of the best birds without the obstruction of leaves getting in the way, lol! One of my favorite spots is Bass Lake Park in Holly Springs.

Recently I made a trip out here to see what birds I could find. The highlight of the morning was definitely a Hermit Thrush!

Hermit Thrush

I had such a nice bird watching experience that I ended up making a video which you can watch below.

Here is a map of Bass Lake Park. I suggest that you stick to the western side of the water to find the best birds.

Come birding with me in 2020! I’ve got some guided tour opportunities coming for Bass Lake Park in the next few months. Check out the link below for dates and trip information.


Happy Birding!