Tag Archives: best life birding

A Cerulean Warbler in Lexington, KY

By Sally Siko

As a birder & photographer, I’m always excited to see & photograph a new species whenever I get lucky enough to add a lifer to my list.
Weirdly enough, it seems that every time this happens my photos aren’t very good lol!

I don’t know if it’s the excitement of seeing something for the first time that throws me off my photo game or just bad luck with lighting and angle but this happens to me a lot.
Case in point, my first photos of a Cerulean Warbler that I found while on a birding trip in eastern KY.
While I was very, very happy to finally lay eyes on this gorgeous bird, it stayed high up in the canopy of the trees, backlit under bright sunshine or perching in the shadows of the leaves. Not great conditions for getting quality portraits but certainly good enough for an ID and the making of wonderful memories 🙂

The aptly named Cerulean Warbler is indeed a handsome bird with adult males sporting that light (cerulean) blue, white and black plumage.
Females are equally as lovely adorned with a greenish blue upper body plumage with a yellowish green underside.
From a distance or in poor lighting conditions I’ve found it’s possible to mistake a male Cerulean with a Black and White Warbler until the bird comes out into the sunlight.

With populations of this species in decline (due to habitat loss) it can be somewhat challenging to find these shy warblers.
Your best best to spot one is to search the mid to high canopies of the trees during the summer breeding season on the east coast. Ceruleans prefer to hang out in mature deciduous forests throughout the eastern United States, but are particularly abundant in oak-dominated forests that contain canopy gaps and a complex canopy structure.
Look for them in Kentucky from late April through early August.

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

A Scissor tailed Flycatcher at Ft.Fisher NC

By Sally Siko

Happy to have caught a few good shots of a rarity in North Carolina, a Scissor-tailed flycatcher!
I was lucky to spot it last month along the ATV / off road beach access trail at Ft. Fisher.

I’d spent a few minutes walking along the adjacent Basin Trail when the path veered left towards the beach.
Knowing that flycatcher’s typically like to perch on places which give them maximum visibility in open areas (fences, power lines ect.), I decided to head towards the beach and out of the marine scrub forest.
As it turned out, this was the right move because I spotted the flycatcher just a few yards ahead on the right, sitting on a post in the dunes next to the trail.

Affectionately nicknamed the Texas bird-of-paradise, these long-tailed birds are members of the kingbird family.
Measuring nearly 14in long, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are relatively large birds. Not surprisingly though, half of their total body length is that deeply forked black and white tail that is nearly a nearly unmistakable ID point when referencing them in the field.

The reason why this bird is a special sighting in the Tarheel State is because their range typically extends from eastern Colorado and Nebraska down south to Texas and Western Louisiana. Isolated breeding patches of these feathered gems have been found in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.
Why it’s shown up in southeastern NC is anyone guess!
I hope that I’ll encounter this beautiful species again next spring during my High Island TX birding tour (learn more about this trip here!) because I’d love to share the experience of seeing one for the first time with my east coast guests 🙂

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

A Worm eating Warbler at Indian Creek in eastern Kentucky

By Sally Siko

Here’s another shy species of warbler which I was stoked to see in the woods while birding at Indian Creek in the Red River Gorge area of eastern Kentucky, a Worm eating Warbler!
Yeah I know he’s not as brightly colored as other species, but I think they’re elegant birds which are interesting to watch while they hunt for a meal.
This little guy moved fast along a brushy steep slope, working the cover nearly as quickly as a Ruby crowned Kinglet does when looking for a six legged snack.
It was pretty challenging to photograph this bird since it was hanging out in a dark patch of the woods. Still it was fascinating to see one of these little beauties up close, plus being able to add him to my yearly eBird list was a definite win.
In the end, patience paid off and I did get off a couple decent shots when it flew up a little higher out in the open to perch on a sparsely leafed sapling in better light.

As it so often goes with other species of birds, the Worm eating Warbler IMO is misnamed lol! They do not pull earthworms from the soil as American Robins do, rather this insectivore gleans its diet (insects and their larvae as well as spiders) from foliage.
A hungry Worm eating Warbler uses tactics such as probing curled live or dead leaves for hidden prey while hanging (sometimes upside down) from a twig or small branch, probing crevices, fluttering from limb to limb in order to grab flying prey while picking off slow-moving insects from open leaves and young twigs.

Worm eating Warblers breed in the Appalachian mountains and despite their shy disposition are relatively easy to find from late April through early October.
Their seasonal range extends from southern New York, west into southern Michigan and east Texas, all along the mid Atlantic states of the US and down into Central America.
Look for them in large tracts of deciduous and mixed forest, particularly in those with moderate to very steep slopes and patches of dense understory shrubs.

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

A Blue winged Warbler encounter in Bowen, Kentucky

By Sally Siko

By far, one of the prettiest birds I was lucky to find last week while birding in eastern KY was this Blue winged Warbler.
I’d been trying to photograph one for years without success so it was super exciting to finally add this lifer to my list!
Funny thing was that the first one I saw (at Lakeview Park in Lexington, KY) I actually missed my shots completely resulting in blurry unusable photos.
Happily though I got another chance a couple days later in Bowen, KY to grab this series of portraits of a Blue winged hunting for a meal in the brush.

During the spring and summer months, you can hear a Blue winged Warblers familiar call of “beeee-buzzzz zzza zzza” song when walking in a grassy field lining a wooded area containing thick underbrush. They’ll often pop out from the dark thickets at the woods edge into the open to flutter on the edges of trees and bushes in an effort to glean insects hiding in the leaves.

In the past their breeding range extended from the open woodlands of Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia northern Alabama, and northern Georgia.
Today, Blue-winged Warblers have been expanding northward and now can be found throughout southern New England, southern Ontario, and the southern portions of the Great Lakes states.
In fact some of the highest breeding densities of Blue wings can be found in the higher elevations of the Appalachian Mountains, in the norther tier of the mid-Atlantic states, and even as far west as Wisconsin and Michigan.

Aren’t they lovely?

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

A Bobolink encounter in Pittsboro NC

By: Sally Siko

Each spring, flocks of migrating Bobolinks return to central NC to stop off for a few days to rest & recharge on their journey to their breeding grounds in the northern US and Canada.
The best spot to see them in the Triangle is in the fields along Mid Pines Rd in Raleigh.
That being said, these flocks are usually spotted far out in the fields making them a little tough to see without a scope, a long lens or bins.
That’s why I was so excited to get a close up encounter with one near Bynum Bridge in Pittsboro about 3 weeks ago!
It was so cool to actually be able to get a proper look at one of these beauties as it hopped around the brush on it’s never ending search for insects hidden in the leaves.

Bobolinks are about the size of a house sparrow, approximately 6.3–7.1 in long from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail.
Perched on a grass stem or displaying in flight over a field, breeding male Bobolinks are striking! No other North American bird has a white back and black underparts (some have described this look as wearing a tuxedo backwards lol!). Added to this is the male’s rich, straw-colored patch on the head and his bubbling, virtuosic song. Once summer ends, he’ll molt into a buff and brown plumage.

As mentioned above, Bobolinks are mostly a migratory visitor to the Tarheel state showing up for just a few days in the spring and autumn.
Yet, in recent decades this species has been observed nesting in the grassy meadows of western NC in increasing numbers which is pretty neat!
Elsewhere throughout the state, look for them in dry grass lands from late April-early May and in wetter fields/marshes again in late August through early October.

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

Love is in the air- Northern Cardinals at Bynum Bridge NC

By: Sally Siko

It’s springtime and love is in the air.
At least so it goes with this pair of Northern Cardinals I spotted while birding last week near Bynum Bridge in Pittsboro NC.
It was so sweet to see the male fly in and land on a branch next to his mate to present her with a juicy green caterpillar.
A tender moment of bird wooing to be sure but is actually part of of an array of elaborate courtship rituals that the couple engages in year after year to strengthen their bond.

Our official state bird, the Northern Cardinal is a year round resident of North Carolina and are found in every county from the coast to the mountains foraging for a meal in areas of dense brushy undergrowth or in hedges.Cardinals are of course a familiar backyard visitor too. They usually are seen on the ground below our feeders picking at the fallen seed.

Though they’re indeed numerous, I still enjoy photographing them whenever possible. That color is irresistible to me from a creative perspective.
Plus, whenever I see a Cardinal I’m reminded how important it is not to take a moment (or a bird) like this for granted.
After all, Cardinals may be common around here, yet they are someone else’s Life Bird in other locations. Thus seeing one is extra special anyway one looks at it 🙂

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa#5Ds

Good to see the American Redstarts are back in NC

By: Sally Siko

Green leaves are sprouting out on all of the trees, it’s really starting to look like springtime here in central NC.
The treetop canopies are becoming dense now bringing the arrival of hatching insects which are closely followed by flocks of migrating Warblers such as these beautiful American Redstarts.

With that bold black and bright orange plumage and their loud calls echoing through the woods, male Redstarts are impossible birds to ignore when hiking along a trail.
*Not that I’ve ever thought of ignoring them lol!
These birds are freak’n gorgeous and although they’re relatively easy to find, I’ve spent many hours trying to catch a proper photograph of one for years but with no luck.
Happily I finally came close with these shots which I took while birding in Bynum NC last week.

One of the nice things about this species of warbler is that when flocks of them move into the area, they’re relatively easy to find and photograph.
This is because Redstarts tend to hunt for food in the mid to lower understory of open deciduous woodlands, forest edges, near roadside trees, in open areas like orchards, shrubby edges of streams and ponds, brushy edges of sunny pastures, and suburban parks.
Or to put it another way, unlike many other species of warblers you won’t break your neck or hurt your eyes by searching for them high up in the trees of a dark forest lol!

The American Redstart is a somewhat unusual bird in that they’re both a breeding resident and transient migratory visitor to North Carolina with populations fluctuating wildly in different regions throughout the year.
They are known to nest in both the mountains in the western part of the state and along a narrow north/NE to south/SW strip in several of the counties in central NC which is kinda odd.
Generally though your best bet in finding them is from late April through mid May (aka. like right now!) and then again from September through early October during migration periods.
Get out there and enjoy them!

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

A Western Tanager showed up in Raleigh NC

By: Sally Siko

Happy to finally get a 3 weeks ago in the form of a friendly Western Tanager which has been showing up in a residential area of Raleigh North Carolina over the past couple of weeks.
I’d dipped on seeing another one in Rocky Mount last month (after a 10hr feeder stakeout) so when I set out to meet up with my friend Corie Latta @latta.ridge to find this bird at yet another feeder, we tried to rein in our expectations given our last experience chasing this rarity.

A birder herself, homeowner Patty M. graciously allowed us to enter her property so that we could try and get a good look at this beautiful bird. She was super nice and was just as excited to see this bird at her feeders as we were!
Patty offered a place to sit on her patio so that we could be comfortable while waiting for the Tanager to show up at the jelly feeder which was hanging in a tree in her backyard.
Happily it didn’t take long until the Tanager made its appearance! We happily grabbed a few quick photos of the curious bird and shared celebratory fist bumps of approval once it flew off.
So cool!

Patty explained that this Western Tanager actually started showing up in her backyard last spring! It left for a year and had returned to her property a few weeks ago.
I found this fascinating because the range of Western Tanagers typically extends from Alaska down into California and all over the western United States, west of the Rocky Mountains.
The fact that this lone Tanager decided to make a hard right turn to the east to return to NC for a second time on it’s spring migration journey north is very interesting.
Clearly the bird made a choice to ignore it’s instinctual pull to the west by flying to NC instead.
The Tanager must have remembered all of that delicious jelly which Patty offers in her feeders and thus decided to follow it’s appetite rather than it’s instincts lol!
Whatever the reason for it’s appearance, we were very very happy to finally lay eyes on this gorgeous bird.

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

An encounter with a Hooded Warbler in Pittsboro NC

By: Sally Siko

Of all the species of warblers found in central North Carolina, no one has given me more trouble to photograph than the Hooded Warbler.
It’s not that they are uncommon or super fast on the wing, rather it’s their proclivity for hiding in the shadows of the brush that provides the challenge of getting a good shot.

They are striking birds with a onyx black hood, inky black eyes and a bright yellow body.
Since they tend to stick to the shadows of the undergrowth capturing a quality photograph which shows off that bright yellow color is difficult since the dark canopy washes out their yellow plumage with a lime green color.
Recently my luck changed and I finally was able to catch a few portraits of this beauty out in the open.
While I’m not 100% happy with this shot, it’s the best I’ve managed to capture so far.
If nothing else, it’s a step in the right direction lol!

Like most warblers, the Hooded spends the winter entirely south of the United States.
Unlike other warblers they prefer to hunt for a six or eight legged meal in the forest understory, inhabiting the 10-30′ high zone well below the canopy of the forest.
This a great warbler to search for if your neck is sore from looking up into the treetops for other species. A nice way to avoid “warbler neck” lol!
In the central and eastern parts of the state, Hooded Warblers are usually found in moderate to thick stands of shrubs and in the semi open understory trees in moist hardwood forests and are most numerous in brownwater river floodplains and near woodland creeks.
In the mountains, they are often found in rhododendron or mountain laurel stands, preferably where there is a water source nearby.

Look for these gorgeous feathered gems from late April through late September/ early October in the Piedmont region and coastal counties.
In the mountains, you can find them in elevations below 4000ft through early October as well.

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds

The Black Skimmer nesting colony has returned to Wrightsville Beach NC in 2022

By: Sally Siko

The nesting colony of Black Skimmers has returned to Wrightsville Beach NC!
While on a recent trip to the southeastern part of the state I was pleased to see this huge flock sitting in the low (nearly flat) dunes in their usual spot.
Though they aren’t actively nesting yet, soon the mothers will lay their eggs (1-5) in a shallow depression in the sand.
From there the mother will lay low in the sand, flattened out like a bird pancake to incubate her eggs.
25 days later, the chicks will hatch and the real work will begin as both parents will be tasked with feeding their hungry brood.

Black Skimmers are a familiar sight along the entirety of the North Carolina coastline.
Sometimes called the ‘toucan of the sea, their large red and orange bills make them easy to ID even from a distance.
In fact, their uniquely shaped bill is directly tied to their namesake hunting method.
Gliding low over the water, allowing its lower mandible to slice the water’s surface, when a Skimmers bill strikes a fish, it snaps shut like a mousetrap.
The skimmer then aligns their prey headfirst before swallowing it whole.
They dine primarily on small fish such as minnows, killifish and herring. Shrimp, small crabs and other crustaceans make up the remainder of their diets.
It’s really interesting to watch them hunt and if you ever have the opportunity to watch them do so, it’s worth sticking around for.

These beautiful birds are year round residents of North Carolina but are more widely distributed along the entire coastline throughout the spring and summer months. Thought you can find them gliding low over the ocean and the beach, your most likely to spot Skimmers searching for a snack over calm tidal waters, of estuaries, saltwater marshes and sounds.
Aren’t they lovely?
I can’t wait to come back to this spot in a few weeks to check on the colony’s nesting progress!

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my beloved full frame 50MP beast, the mighty @canonusa #5Ds