Tag Archives: black duck north carolina

Black Ducks in eastern North Carolina

By Sally Siko

With so many colorful species of waterfowl arriving to to spend the winter in NC, it might be easy to overlook the understated elegance of the American Black Duck.
That would be a shame though because with that dark mahogany and buff plumage combined with that vibrant bright violet-blue wing speculum, I think they’re quite beautiful.

I spotted this gorgeous duck hanging out in a mixed flock of Pintails, Mallards and Teals while on a recent trip to eastern NC.
Though they sort of look like mallard hens, Black Ducks are overall quite a bit darker in appearance (especially below the neck) and are relatively easy to tell apart when the two species are swimming side by side.

Throughout the year, you can spot flocks of Black Ducks paddling around both in the fresh and slightly brackish water habitats of our eastern counties.
In fact, the American Black Duck is one of only a handful of waterfowl that breeds here in NC.
Unfortunately their numbers have been declining over the past 20 years, in part due to coastal marsh habitat loss and an increase in feral Mallard populations which are overtaking the Black Duck’s nesting grounds.

Look for these guys in wooded swamps, as well as on very large, open bodies of water such as lakes, impoundments, and sounds.
Keep in mind that Black Ducks are more wary than most ducks, flushing quite readily, so stealth may be required to see one up close!
Aren’t they lovely?

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on the full frame beast of an SLR, the mighty @canonusa#5Ds