Tag Archives: bald eagle birdwatching tour

Bald Eagle encounter in central North Carolina

By Sally Siko

Stoked to have found a nice spot along the Cape Fear River to spend time with some Bald Eagles in central NC.
It’s so cool to see them zooming over the river and then drop down to snag a fish. I could have spent all morning watching these impressive raptors hunting and squabbling on the water.

Bald Eagles are superb anglers, possessing exceptional eyesight which allows them to spot fish from high above the water, even when submerged.
It’s interesting to watch them curve their feet into a “C” shape before striking a fish. Like a pool player using their finger position on the stick to frame up their shot, Bald Eagles do this to increase their chances of catching it.
Using their binocular vision allows the eagles to focus between their raised talons lining up the fish within their sight line.
In addition once they draw up into the C-shape, the tendons in their talons automatically retract and lock shut the instant that they strike on their prey.
This action helps them create a firm grip on the slippery fish, ensuring they can secure it firmly with their talons as they fly off to find a spot to eat.

I wish that I could’ve gotten a better photo of this eagle when he captured the fish, but unfortunately, he was facing the wrong way.
No worries though, I’m looking forward to getting back out there on the river again with my tour guests soon to try to get some better shots for all of us 🙂

Would you like to come see and photograph these eagles with me? Check out the link below to book a tour at this marvelous birding spot just outside of Holly Springs NC.

Photos by @sally_siko of @bestlife_birding on my mighty mirrorless monster, the @canonusa #R5